Monday, 28 April 2014

Lunetta Sanguineo / Lunetta di Sarvos [Empire LARP] : Background

[Josée's Note: Lunetta is my first ever contact LARP character. She was created in May 2013 and first played in July 2013. She is fantastic fun and has had far more chaos in her life than I could ever have anticipated. Expect many more posts about this particular character in future.]

Lunetta was born in Sarvos to a family of priests and bishops. Because of this, the idea of following any other path through life seemed almost idiotic. She was a particular believer in loyalty, and this became the path she dedicated her life to. Over time, she gathered a congregation that continued to grow.
She would often visit other cities within the League when she wasn't preaching to her congregation, and would come across travellers and townsfolk who would come to her for aid or advice, and it was on one of these trips she encountered the Bridgehouse Free Company. Their loyalty to each other, camaraderie and friendship was refreshing for Lunetta to see, and she found herself spending much time with them talking and discussing her pathway, their experiences of war and battle, and many other things.

When the time came for Lunetta and the Company to part ways, Lunetta gathered the courage to ask the Company if she could join them on their way. She had been told that one of their number was fantastic at teaching others to fight and defend. She offered her preaching and abilities to the unit to strengthen their loyalty to one another prior to fighting if they would be willing to teach her some basic fighting skills to enable her to at least protect herself to some extent on the battlefield.

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