Thursday, 10 July 2014

Resurgence LARP

Hi everyone!

Having looked at Blogger's useful statistics screen, I've noticed I've got quite a range of visitors from a range of countries! So hello to everyone, especially those overseas! I hope everything I'm writing makes sense!

I know I haven't posted for a while, and this is due to returning home as the University year ended, and having been away from the internet for a week on my annual holiday with my family...and trying a new LARP system out! Since I live away from my home city for most of the year, I don't often get to join in systems or games back home; so this summer is going be a change for me.

"Resurgence" is a homespun system by a local LARPer, and (this is going to be a very basic overview because I've only played in two games!) is a fantasy/modern setting. The premise is: there are people in the world who can see things that no "normal" person can. (So far, my character has come across spirits, "demons" (as she calls them), angels/paladins and djinn.) The characters have been "picked up" by a team who claim (note this word; as there are a few characters who may/may not believe this) to be trying to limit the negative impact these beings are having on the world. This often requires the characters to either go and kill the beings, go and talk to the beings, go and make deals with the beings (which has meant a few...interesting deals have been created...) or all of the above in small amounts. To normal people, the characters...look like LARPers; carrying fake weapons or odd bits of pipe and stuff, and anything odd they see is rationalised as "That giant thing attacking me must have been a very large wolf" or "OOOOH, awesome special effects!" etc.

I, personally, have had great fun in the first two games I've played. My character (backstory will follow) has already seen small amounts of character development, and because the player group has been between 4-8 people, I've played with two different sets of different types of character. Also, because the group is so small, it is run in two parts; with half the group playing and half the group NPCing for the morning, and then swapping over for the afternoon. Think of it like swapping ends at half time on a football pitch (I hate football...the World Cup must have subconsciously seeped into my psyche...). My favourite NPCs I've played so far have been an imp focussed on trading for the player's "shinies" (anything that glitters/glistens/shines) and a normal woman called Sally who got caught up in a wendigo attack.

Anyway, I think I've fawned over the game for long enough! Coming up soon will be my character (Ali)'s backstory and a couple of fluff pieces, written in regard to the most recent game.



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